Need some assistance with your resume? VMock is a 24/7 online resume review tool available for all UCLA students. It provides instant personalized feedback on your resume based on criteria gathered from employers and UCLA community standards.
- VMock is a 24-7 online resume review tool
- Leverages data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume based on criteria gathered from employers and UCLA community standards.
- The system analyzes three areas – impact, presentation, and soft skills – and offers feedback on highlighted areas to help make your resume stronger.
- Use the SMART Resume Editor to build a resume from scratch, or to edit a resume after receiving feedback. This feature is recommended only for those who are at the beginning stages of resume development.
- Receive an aggregate resume score to assess the strengths of your resume benchmarked against your own UCLA peer group.
- Get instant, detailed feedback on your resume anytime, anywhere, 24/7.
- Improve the overall content of your resume with actionable and targeted bullet-by-bullet feedback.
- Students who are at the beginning stages of resume creation or who have never created a resume before.
- Students who want to improve their resume’s content.
- VMock is a starting point for resume building, and is not a replacement for career advising. It will help you refine your resume to the point where it makes career advising appointments and drop-ins more productive and meaningful.
- Focus on the feedback, not the score your resume is given. While the system will help you develop your resume with concrete feedback, the scoring is subjective.
- Students have 10 opportunities to upload a resume or rescore a resume each academic year. We advise that you use these uploads judiciously.
- For students using unique or creative resume formats, we recommend making changes to your resume on your original file, not through the SMART Resume Editor. VMock is only able to process PDF files that were created using conventional word processing applications such as Microsoft Word.
- Go to www.vmock.com/uclacareercenter
- Click red “Continue with University ID” button, and log in using your SSO credentials
- Complete your profile by answering the questions provided. If you are a PhD/Postdoc, select “N/A” for industry interest.
- Upload your resume in PDF format.
- Click “View Detailed Feedback” to explore the different scoring elements, and hover over highlighted portions to view detailed feedback.
- (Optional) Use the SMART Resume Editor to automatically update your formatting and make edits to your resume. This feature is not recommended for students using unique or creative templates/formats.
Remember, VMock isn’t a one-time thing! Students have ten opportunities to upload and/or score a resume each academic year. You have access to VMock for an entire year after graduation.