Know your value. Advocate for what you deserve unapologetically.
Welcome women-identifying undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars! We are glad that you have found our website and encourage you to spend some time reviewing all that we have to offer.
Our website features tailored advice and resources to support your unique professional development needs, including negotiating the gender pay gap, managing the glass ceiling, discrimination, and building your network.
You will also find details about events and workshops specifically for women-identifying students and scholars hosted by the Career Center. Please navigate to the page based on your university affiliation for more information (Women-Identifying Undergraduate Students; Women-Identifying Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars).
As a woman-identifying student or scholar, you receive countless conflicting messages about what you should do, want, or be. We empower you to move forward listening to your own voice. If you would like to get started, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our career counselors, attend a drop-in, or register for one of our many events.