Request a Career Center Presentation
Thank you for seeking the Career Center’s partnership in supporting career readiness on campus. We look forward to working with you and assisting UCLA undergraduate students with their career development! Please be aware that our staff is heavily impacted and that we may not be able to fulfill every request. Please note the following when submitting your requests: – We kindly ask that you schedule your presentation for Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Presentation requests for times outside of normal business hours will be accommodated on a limited basis and will prioritize virtual modalities. – Please choose from the offered workshops. Requests for special or customized topics will require additional approval. – Presentations take a minimum of 1 hour. – We ask for a minimum of 10 participants for presentations. Presentations for larger groups will be prioritized. – Please schedule your event/class is at least four weeks out from the time of submission of this form. Requests will be reviewed on a weekly basis and we will reach out to confirm our attendance or inform you that we are unable to take on your request at this time.