Boutique Investment Banking Firms

There are many benefits to becoming familiar with the wide array successful and high-paying boutique investment banking firms across the country. From building your resume to land your dream internship at a big 4 firm, to enjoying the many benefits of interning at a smaller firm.

You’ll find resources here to aid in your search for the right fit investment banking opportunity for you. Visit the Career Center Internship Lab for one-on-one internship search help and Resume & Cover Letter Drop-in hours to refine your application materials.

Career Principles’ Top 20 Boutique Investment Banks in 2023

Mergers & InquisitionsBoutique Investment Banks: The Full Guide

Investopedia’s Should You Work at a Boutique Investment Bank?

Street of Walls List of Boutique Firms in New York, Chicago, and Boston

Street of Walls How they Did It: Boutique to Bulge Bracket in NYC

By Halee Harrell
Halee Harrell Interim Associate Director, Industry Relations & Experiential Learning